Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sketching Your Favorite Subjects in Pen & Ink

Sketching Your Favorite Subjects in Pen & Ink

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Sketching Your Favorite Subjects in Pen & Ink Overview

The only complete guide - for all types and levels of artists - on sketching from life in pen and ink, written by a master of the subject and presented in easy-to-follow, step-by-step fashion.

Claudia Nice teaches artists how to create powerful sketches of plants, skies, waterscapes, houses & buildings, animals, birds, faces & figures and more after discussing the basics of the medium from maintaining the pen, ink and paper to the seven simple strokes used. All subjects are illustrated by her beautiful sketches, showing artists what beauty can be achieved with just a pen and a bottle of ink. Claudia is a multi-media artist, but prefers pen, ink and watercolor when working in the field. She has been an art consultant and instructor, has authored 15 art instruction books and travels across North America conducting workshops, seminars and demonstrations at schools, clubs, shops and trade shows. She has recently opened her own teaching studio near Mt. Hook, Oregon.